Films of James Bond triumphed in the 80s The 90's were rather slippery slope repackaged product-placement, biting its own tail, boring.
obviously can not refuse an incredible impact on the Bond films. Appeared in other secret agents and assassins in order, Jason Bourne, Hitman, etc..
might be worth mentioning here Bournie. The Bourne Trilogy presented a completely different approach to the topic - instead of a confident, almost brazen agent, we have a man who does not remember who he is, then it bothers conscience. I am a man who is alive, tears, is not a demigod. We have movies where battle scenes are assembled dynamically, such as documentary films.
is in this direction unless they decided to go to the creator of new Bondów, "Casino Royale" and "Quantum of Solace." This decision, I'm able to understand. Not only that, I was very impressed, "Casino Royale", which began with a scene of the murder of the first Bond film and has already "changed the climate" - it was not clean, sterile murder of a class, in white gloves. It was brutal, dirty, almost realistic. And this climate we have throughout the film. Bond is finally a man of flesh and blood and tears on the face, can get carried away, I really love, is not infallible półbogiemm which, like a cat always lands on four feet.
climate is continued in the next installment of the adventures of Agent 007, "Quantum of Solace." Bond still remembers Vesper (if it ever happened in the old series to remember about a Bond girl outside of his wife, by which various people have asked him, even though they did not answer?). Bond does not drink martinis. Bond almost no flirting, and certainly does not end up in bed with a female main character, played by the otherwise gorgeous Olga Kurylenko. Bond is still grim, fierce, feathers opponents evenly over the mouth, is cruel and it is not known whether the mission is guided by, or vengeance.
the cinema I went with very mixed feelings. As I said, I understand the decision of the filmmakers of "odbrązowieniu" as Bond, to a certain dropping him from the pedestal. However, whether this Bond is still Bond? I used to be a big fan of the series and liked the Bond for a sense of humor even in difficult situation, for these one-liners, for the gleam in her eye, for the fact that he flirted with every female encountered. An "I'm Bond. James Bond" (which also does not appear in this movie!).
"Quantum of Solace" as the movie itself is good. Dynamically assembled. Developers utrzegli not be certain repetitions (pseudo-parkourowy chase at the beginning) but the opening sequence is probably one of the best we have ever seen. This song is a masterpiece reads Bond (although it would seem that a combination of alternative rocker with soul singer of flesh and blood is a dangerous idea). Landscapes are beautiful, Italy, Bolivia. Beautiful women - they are. Baddies at the time, eco-terrorism, all of the XXI century.
Yet some left the theater disappointed.
Oh James, what happened to you ...
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