called to the table (thanks for the memory kobitki) writes that in her. She did not write because the mood of a dog and bleating Ambiguity half days.
on Thursday CTG and ultrasound - CTG showed contractions every 6 minutes but not too strong and not very painful (to date the Ambiguity is not so rozbujały waiting at home)
ultrasound showed something even more interesting - you see it turns out that bears do not WItusia Ambiguity, Witunia or Wici but WITOLD. "Bobas is a dispute" - a quote from a doctor. After viewing the description of ultrasound it was discovered that the dispute is 4577g.
If Ambiguity on Monday not to unpack this morning to the hospital and doctors began to mutter something about caesarean section. Ambiguity has never been a fan of natural childbirth (the first son appeared in the world after 9 cc preceded by hours of labor openings of 9cm), but most of pregnancy to childbirth to persuade the forces of nature so successfully that it considered that, and for you and your child will be the best. Now a new round of uncertainty.
How vile mood? Ambiguity is afraid: o synusia skrzywdzono not to go during natural childbirth, with synusia whether, despite the fact that it is time it is all ok (senior son born with Apgar 1p), a little about yourself, but just a bit.
helplessness is the worst!